Consultation Program

1.Planning and Development New Business

2.Productivity Improvement in R&D
・Planning and Development New Products
・System Design of R&D Management
・Synchronizing R&D to Marketing

3.Business Process Reengineering
・BPR as a preparation ERP Introduction

・Productivity Improvement in manufacturing

5.Supporting Activity
・Technology Transfer
・Market Development

Basic Procedure in Consultation
Phase1: Diagnosis Phase(From an Inquiry to Action Plan)

1.Top Hearing
Confirmation of Company Policy, Problem Acknowledgment and Aims
(Notes:We will submit our offer for Phase1after the Top Hearing)

2.Analysis Support for Inner & Outer Situation
Organaize a Project Team in the Client and support the Team to analyze the situation

3.Fix the target and Action Planning

Planning Actions and Schedule for the Target
(Notes: We will submit our offer for Phase 2 after the Action Plan)

・Normally, it will take 3 months for Phase 1,and we will dispatch a consultant(or consultants) for 2 days biweekly.
・Actual works shall be carried by the Project Team Members, and our consultants will provide advice and control the works

Phase2: Execution Phase (Achievement the Target by executing the Action Plan)

1.Executing the Action Plan
Plan and carry out PDCA(Plan-Do-Check-Action) cycle to the Target

・ Normally, it will take 3 to 9 months for Phase 2 depending upon the targets and the situation
・ We will dispatch a consultant(or consultants) for 2 days biweekly to control the PDCA cycle